Sowing Broadly

Sowing Broadly

  1. Jesus’ Example
    1. Mark 1:36-39
      1. The whole city of Capernaum was gathered around Jesus. He could have planted there because they were listening, but he knew the gospel seed had to be sown more broadly.
  1. Reaping and Sowing
    1. 2 Cor. 9:6
    2. Ecc. 11:6
    3. Prov. 20:4
    4. John 4:35
    5. Matt. 9:35-37
    6. Gal. 6:9
  2. The Principle Applied to Fall Launch
    1. Gospel
      1. If we sow broadly with the gospel, we have a better chance of reaping by seeing people saved!
      2. Testimony, Gospel presentation (Biblical text or illustration), Gospel tract, Survey follow up, etc.
    2. Relationally
      1. Relationships are key to a strong fall launch. 
        1. Evangelism as a PROCESS, not just a CONVERSATION.
        2. Open up the funnel at the beginning of the year by focusing on BREADTH over DEPTH
      2. A Unique Season
        1. People will settle in their ways within a few weeks of moving in and close off relationally. 
        2. Don’t put all of your energy into too few people (at the beginning of the year). It will be difficult to lead 5 people to Christ this year if you only know 3.
        3. Don’t assume the people you are excited about meeting in week 1 are the people you’ll be excited about pouring into come April.
        4. There is a unique opportunity with new relationships in the beginning of the school year. Your friends will be there when things slow down. 
        5. Many students’ college experience directly correlates to the first 10 people they meet on campus. We need to value that opportunity.
      3. Key factors
        1. Presence
        2. Move-in
        3. Plug in to the greater movement

You are setting yourself up for an effective or ineffective year based on how you use the fall launch season of sowing broadly

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