Fall Conference


Margaret Sigmund Bible Chapel

Hidden Acers Christian Center at 3837 Union Ave, Dayton, IA 50530.

What to Pack

Don’t forget to bring a Bible, journal, pen, toiletries, pillow, athletic clothes, other clothes, flashlight, bug spray, tent (if you want to camp), and water bottle.

Don’t forget to bring your own bedding. Some of the cabins do not have heat or AC so come prepared. The weather should be awesome, but the nights might be chilly without something warm.



5:00pm-8:00pm \\ Check-in and Unpack

8:00pm-9:30pm \\ Worship and Session 1 

After Session Bonfires and Family Life Center Games 


8:00am-8:30am \\ Breakfast 

9:00am -10:30am \\ Worship and Session 2 

10:30am -12:00pm \\ Campus Time

12:00pm -12:30pm \\ Lunch 

1:15pm -5:30pm \\ CF Olympics & Free Time 

5:30pm-6:00pm \\ Supper 

7:00pm-9:00pm \\ Worship and Session 3 

After Session Bonfires and Family Life Center Games 


8:00am-8:30am \\ Breakfast 

9:00am-10:30am \\ Worship and Session 4

10:30am \\ Closing and Final Instructions

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